We fabricate Storage Tank from 500 Liter to 60,000 Liter. Storage Tank can be made of Mild Steel or Stainless Steel as per application of the user. The big size (heavy volume) of storage tank we fabricate on site also.
Welding work is performed by Argon Arc process using Good Characteristic Filler rods on all S. S. Parts. M.S. Parts welding is performed by D. C Arc welding process using suitable electrodes.
The Heat exchanger Material of Construction is Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel.
All weld joints will be finished from inside and outside, S S. Parts is cleaned from inside and outside. Two coates of primer/ redoxide will be given on M.S. parts from outside.
Equipments are tested Hydraulically as per design Pressure.
After sales servicing is provide by our fully trained and competant engineers.