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Contact Info
  • C/14, Saniya Industrial Estate,
    Opp. Reliance Petrol Pump,
    Devdal, Kaman, Vasai East.
    Palghar - 401 202.
  • +91 977 355 3839
    +91 797 764 1009
  • Mon : 09:00 - 19:00
    Tue : 09:00 - 19:00
    Wed : 09:00 - 19:00
    Thur : 09:00 - 19:00
    Fri : Closed
    Sat : 09:00 - 19:00
    Sun : 09:00 - 19:00

Heat Exchanger

Heat Exchangers are designed and manufactured to facilitate indirect heat transfer between the two fluids. The two fluids can be liquid and liquid or vapor and liquid. The shell-and-tube heat exchanger has two main areas – Tube side and Shell side

DSP Engineering is a proven Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger manufacturer.

Construction and Manufacturing of Shell and Tube Exchanger- Main components of Shell and Tube type heat exchanger are- Shell, Tube, Tube sheet, Baffles, Tie roads spacers and Channel.


The cylindrical shell can be fabricated from rolled plate or from pipes.


Tubes can be plain tubes. Or heat transfer surface area of the tubes can be increased many folds by using finned tubes or corrugated tubes. Shell tube heat exchanger with fin tubes are known as finned type heat exchanger and with corrugated tubes it is known as corrugated tube heat exchanger.

Tubes of heat exchangers are sourced from the reputed manufacturer.

Tube sheet

Tubes of the heat exchanger will be held on both the sides by Tube sheets. Tubes will be inserted through holes provided on tube sheets. Tubes are firmly fitted in the tube sheet either by welding or by mechanical or hydraulic expansion.


Baffles are provided to support the tubes, to maintain the space between the tubes and it also channelized the fluid flow as per design through the shell side of heat exchanger.

Tie Rods and Spacers

Tie rods and spacers will hold the baffle assembly together; and will also maintain the spacing between the baffles. One end of the tie rods are secured to the tube sheet and other ends are secure in the last baffle.

Channels (Heads)

Channels or heads are provided for shell-and-tube heat exchangers to contain the tube side fluid and to provide the desired flow path.

Application of Shell and Tube Exchanger

Shell and tube heat exchangers are used as condensers, reboilers, process heaters, coolers and falling film evaporator.


Welding work is performed by Argon Arc process using Good Characteristic Filler rods on all S. S. Parts. M.S. Parts welding is performed by D. C Arc welding process using suitable electrodes.

Material of Construction

The Heat exchanger Material of Construction is Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel


All weld joints will be finished from inside and outside, S S. Parts is cleaned from inside and outside. Two coates of primer/ redoxide will be given on M.S. parts from outside.


Equipments are tested Hydraulically as per design Pressure.


After sales servicing is provide by our fully trained and competant engineers.

Office : +91 977 355 3839
 Sales : +91 797 764 1009
C/14, Saniya Industrial Estate,
Opp. Reliance Petrol Pump,
Devdal, Kaman, Vasai East.
Palghar - 401 202.
Sales :